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BIM utilization for Yeosu Hwatae-Baekya of National Road 77 (CP-1), Korea We utilized BIM to verify the design and quantity of the for Yeosu Hwateo-Baekya (CP-1) road construction project on National Road 77 in the Detailed Design.

BIM utilization for Yeongjong-Cheongna Connecting Road (3rd Incheon Bridge) (CP-1), Korea We utilized BIM to verify the design and quantity of the Yeongjong-Cheongna connecting road (3rd Incheon Bridge) construction project (CP-1) in the Detailed Design.

BIM Design for Pyeongtaek-Osong(CP-1) High Speed Railway, Korea BANDI performed BIM design for the Detailed Design of Pyeongtaek-Osong(CP-1) High Speed Railway.

Building Information Modeling



Building Information Modeling (BIM) refers to a digital transformation scheme that integrates all information generated during the entire life cycle of a target structure based on a three-dimensional model to interconnect construction information and procedures in a standardized manner and enable digital collaboration.

Design and Construction BIM

We have successfully performed BIM services for the detailed design of the Pyeongtaek-Osong 2 double-train project of the Korea National Railroad Corporation, and are preparing to deliver and transfer information to the next stage of the facility's life cycle, construction BIM, and enable not only 4D (Time) but also 5D (Cost) BIM.

Maintenance BIM

Through BIM and IT convergence technology, we have established a business cooperation system to build a maintenance and safety management platform for the public phase of bridges, and are promoting technology development and R&D projects to lead the technology in the digital transformation and digital twin era.

Reverse Engineering for As-built BIM

The maintenance market is expanding due to the aging of bridge structures currently in use and the increasing demand for continuous maintenance. However, since there are no design drawings available for old structures, or since it is difficult to manage only 2D drawings, BIM-based reverse engineering techniques are emerging as an alternative for efficient maintenance.